This non-credit program, taught by ACE member and SCSU Professor Alice Wieland, is offered to ACE’s Connecticut membership for $220 per student. The sessions will be held from Noon to 1:30 pm on Thursdays, Jan. 9, 16, 23 and 30. January 30 will also have a virtual and an in-person networking option (brown bag lunch) in the School of Business building.
The cost is $220, which includes a $30 materials fee. Interested ACE learners can register at
This training is open to women with 3-8 years of professional experience, either currently in a leadership or supervisory role or aspiring to such a role. The primary objective of this Workshop is to explore the unique challenges, constraints, and opportunities that face women today as they ascend to leadership in organizations. The issues deal with the dynamics of power, authority, and influence, managing multiple roles, and social role expectations. Course materials draw on the latest research insights from psychology, sociology, and business to understand the perceptions, behaviors, stereotypes, and backlash women uniquely face. We aim to provide a roadmap to the labyrinth of women’s leadership, providing options for effective responses, strategies, and solutions. A secondary objective of this workshop is to learn about and develop resiliency skills to draw on when the inevitable career challenges manifest. Particular focus will be paid to the factors that inhibit women’s career progression, such as work-family conflict, implicit biases, and double standards for women related to being nice vs being competent.