The Connecticut ACE Women’s Network (CTAWN) is a network of women administrators, faculty, and others associated with or supportive of higher education in the state of Connecticut. Formed under the auspices of the Inclusive Excellence Group of the American Council on Education (ACE), the Connecticut ACE Women’s Network is part of a national network organized by states and headed by coordinating committees within each state.

CTAWN sponsors four (4) awards.

The nomination process will open on October 15, 2024.

All submissions must be submitted by February 7th, 2025, at 11:59 PM (EST). Recipients will be announced on February 8, 2025.

The brief nomination process involves preparing and submitting information about your nominee(s). Specifically, we will invite you to provide 1) a nomination letter, including a biographical sketch of no more than 500 words, and 2) a reference letter from a colleague, supervisor, mentee, or mentor.

Below, please review the list of awards and scholarships now open for nominations.

  • The Distinguished Woman in Higher Education Leadership Award honors a senior-level CT woman in higher education who has distinguished herself by providing outstanding leadership at her institution, in her profession, and society.

  • This award recognizes and honors a woman with at least five (5) years of professional experience in higher education who has demonstrated leadership in the development and/or operation of an office, program, or service that has significantly advanced women’s learning and development in the state of Connecticut.

  • This award honors individuals who have distinguished themselves by creating opportunities for women to complete their higher education and/or pursue careers in higher education in the state of Connecticut.

  • This $2,000 scholarship supports a graduate student who has been accepted to, or is currently enrolled in, a graduate program in the state of Connecticut and whose academic interests are in the area of social justice or gender equality.

2025 Awards + Scholarships

To submit a nomination, please email all submission materials to Awards Committee Co-Chair, Dr. Kaydian Reid at